Long Tail Fowl and Long Crowing Fowl Photos

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صفحه اصلي > User galleries > Doodle_Doo > My birds
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Doodle (Silver Phoenix)
my first phoenix tails growing in not as long as other's birds but it amazed me for two month old new feathers since they started growing in his molt in november i wonder how it will be in a year
181520_10150187828439338_544984337_8720112_6965637_n.jpg PTDC0019.JPG PTDC0003.jpg PTDC0016-1.jpg PTDC0127.JPG
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Indiana_Gardener  [فوريه 15, 2011 at 06:31 PM]
That's not bad for two months of growth. He should have a few more months in him anyway. I'm looking forward to seeing how he grows in the rest of the way.

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